v3.51 로 업데이트 되었습니다.


3.5에서는 스마트 몰핑 기능이 추가되었습니다.







V3.50 to V3.51

Fixed problems;

  • Fixed a problem in which the Pitch Bend controller could not control any parameters.
  • Fixed a problem in which the Live Set information in a MODX User file might not be loaded properly, with the result that the link destination Performance of each slot might be set to "Init Normal (AWM2)."

V3.00 to V3.50

New features;

  • New Performances have been added.
  • The Smart Morph function has been added.
  • New functions have been added to the Pattern Sequencer.
  • MODX files can now be imported.
  • Controllability and playability have been improved.



[현재 버전 확인 방법]

1. Press the [UTILITY] button to open the Utility display. 
2. Touch [Setting] tab to [System] tab at the left side of the display.  
3. The following message appears in the bottom of the display: 
MONTAGE Firmware Version : *.**.*         (c)2016 Yamaha Corporation 
The unit's version is indicated by " MONTAGE Firmware Version : *.**.* " 
Only the numbers up to the two decimal




Yamaha CS80 라이브러리가 나왔습니다. 무료입니다.







CS80 synth sound library pack for MONTAGE



KApro CS80 – a sample and MONTAGE Performance library




The Yamaha CS-80 which was introduced in 1976 has been widely considered to be the greatest polyphonic synthesizer of all time. Indeed, it is a marvelous sound creating device heard on so many seminal recordings, especially of the 1970s and the 1980s.


Claus Kruse of YAMAHA was so kind to give YAMAHA’s own CS-80 to Peter (aka our KApro team member Prof. Dr. Peter Jung), several years ago. Peter’s work resulted in a widely known sample-based sound library for the MOTIF XF/MOXF synthesizer series.


Now, encouraged by Claus’s request, Peter created a refurbished version of the original MOTIF XF/MOXF CS-80 library tailored to the MONTAGE!


Besides the MONTAGE versions of the 128 legacy programs contained in the original MOTIF XF/MOXF library, there are 36 all new programs, featuring the MONTAGE live sound modification features of the Super Knob, and also using the pitch bend and modulation wheels, the ribbon, the assignable switches and, last but not least, aftertouch.


Remarkably, these 36 new programs also provide you with a very lively sound reproduction feature: the slight variation of the synth sound while repeatedly pressing the same key. You may know this feature under the expression “round robin”, widely deployed in symphonic VSTi’s. This feature is unprecedented in sample-based synthesizer libraries for hardware workstations and makes the “KApro CS80” Sound Library really special. You will be overwhelmed by the vivid sound! Great for both live and studio use, the “KApro CS80” Sound Library contains sophisticated, lush performances suited perfectly for every style of popular music which exploits electronic sound synthesis. Moreover, the “KApro CS80” Sound Library also provides ambient atmospheres and textures making movie scores and soundtracks really special.





Please see the PACK LIST for complete details.


  • 1 User File, 1 Library File (same content in both)
  • 164 Performances, based on 164 Parts, having a total of 440 different Scenes
  • 1 Live Set: “KApro CS80” containing 7 pages of Performances
  • 61 waveforms, with 1,179 keybanks
  • 470MB of PCM data (uncompressed)




This product requires a Yamaha MONTAGE synthesizer running MONTAGE OS v1.6 or higher.  Please select your specific instrument in the Instrument Compatibility section to determine if this product is compatible.


This product requires a compatible Yamaha synthesizer such as the Motif and/or MOXF and may require additional flash memory. Please select your specific instrument in the Instrument Compatibility section to determine if this product is compatible.


  • Producer KApro

야마하 몽타주 펌웨어 2.5가 릴리즈되었습니다.


< V2.00 to V2.50 >

New features;

  • New Performances have been added.      -> Motif XF Bank 512 퍼포먼스 추가
  • The DAW Remote function has been added.   -> USB 연결로 DAW 리모트 조정 기능 추가  (미디 케이블 연결없이 노브로 DAW조정 가능)
  • A new function has been added that allows you to selectively enable (or disable) recording of Arpeggio data, when recording MIDI songs.   -> 녹음시 아르페지오 출력 녹음 여부 설정
  • You can now set a Center note in the Edit Waveform display.
  • You can now set a key for assignment when loading WAV files or AIFF files as waveforms. -> wave 로딩 가능 및 key 설정
  • You can now select the Assignable Knob for Common Parts, by pressing the [PART COMMON] in the dialog displayed when selecting the Part parameter and pressing the [CONTROL ASSIGN] button.
  • The Panel Lock function has been added to prevent inadvertent operations during your performance. -> 에디터 판넬 잠금 기능

Fixed problems;

  • Fixed a problem in which the footswitch would freeze when it's used as a sostenuto in combination with the sustain pedal.
  • Fixed other minor problems.

Jamal's Flash Motif MOXF 라이브러리도 역시 계속 로딩이 안되네요. x6a 포맷인데 아쉽군요.

로딩 계속하다가 마지막에 illgal file 표시나면서 실패합니다.  



'악기' 카테고리의 다른 글

Yamaha Montage v3.51 Update  (0) 2021.12.02
Yamaha Montage Library - CS80  (0) 2018.08.11
Yamaha Montage - v2.0 Update  (0) 2018.03.09
야마하 전자드럼 Yamaha DTX 450k  (0) 2017.11.13
Yamaha Montage - update v1.60  (0) 2017.10.02

야마하 몬티지 펌웨어가 v2.00 으로 업데이트 되었습니다. (2018/2/7)

압축파일은 약 140메가 정도합니다.

사용자 데이터가 지워지니 주의바랍니다.


< V1.60 to V2.00 >

New features;

  • New Performances have been added.      (퍼포먼스 음색 추가)
  • You can now create User Audition Phrases.    (오디션 프레이지 제작 가능)
  • New functions have been added in some displays for simplifying Super Knob settings.  (슈퍼노브 단순화를 위한 기능 추가)
  • Transitioning of displays during edits have been improved. (에디팅 중 화면 전환 개선)
  • You can now set the Live Set slot as a startup display. (최초 화면에 라이브 셋화면 가능)
  • You can now apply the Live Set Font Size to the Category Names in the Category Search display.  (찾기화면 폰트 조정 가능)
  • You can now load MOXF files.  (Moxf 파일 로딩 가능)
  • You can now load Performance data for the MOTIF XS, MOTIF XF, and MOXF. (Moxif 퍼포먼스 데이터 로딩 가능)
  • You can now set to keep the current tempo after switching to a different Performance. (다른 퍼포먼스 변환 후 템포 유지 가능)
  • You can now set to keep the current A/D Part volume after switching to a different Performance. (다른 퍼포먼스 변환 후 A/D 파트 볼륨 유지 가능)
  • The shortcuts for opening the Control Assign display have been added in the Envelope Follower display.
  • You can now select the Super Knob, Motion Sequencer Lane, or Envelope Follower as a source in the dialog that appears when the [CONTROL ASSIGN] button is pressed.
  • New function that emphasize the connected lines in the Overview display to indicate the controller you are operating and its destinations has been added.
  • Increased the number of Songs that can be recorded in the MIDI tab of the Play/Rec display from 64 to 128.
  • The shortcuts for opening the Tempo Settings display have been added in the Play/Rec display.
  • The selected slot will remain active even after you changed to other banks in Live Set display.

Fixed problems;

  • Fixed other minor problems.

[현재 버전 확인 방법]

1. Press the [UTILITY] button to open the Utility display. 
2. Touch [Setting] tab to [System] tab at the left side of the display.  
3. The following message appears in the bottom of the display: 
MONTAGE Firmware Version : *.**.*         (c)2016 Yamaha Corporation 
The unit's version is indicated by " MONTAGE Firmware Version : *.**.* " 
Only the numbers up to the two decimal

야마하 몽타주 8 건반 간단사용기

1. 가격이 비싸다. (원래 노드 피아노 사고 싶었는데....) 하지만 비싼만큼 좋다.

2. 피아노 소리가 예술이다. 야마하 그랜드 피아노 음원도 좋지만 야마하 S700 피아노도 나름의 느낌이 있음. 

   (계속들어보니 S700 소리가 반주에는 훨씬 좋은 음색)  4가지의 각기 다른 피아노 음원!

   -> 프리셋 리버브가 과하게 들어 있는 느낌.

3. 해머건반의 (몽타주8) 느낌이 피아노와 유사하지는 않지만 나쁘지는 않다. 확실히 스프링 느낌은 덜 난다.

4. 슈퍼노브의 활용도가 좋다. Assign 2 에 Expression Pedal 연결하면 슈퍼노브 동일 역활.

5. 극성이 맞는 야마하용 페달만 사용가능 (커즈와일 페달과는 극성이 반대로 적용불가)

6. 하프 페달 사용가능

   -> 하프 페달 너무 비싸요!

7. AWM 음원과 FM 음원 별개로 사용 가능.

8. 너무 무겁고 크다. 29kg. 소형차에는 실리지도 않을듯.

9. CFX 계열 피아노 음색에서 페달을 뗄때 쉭쉭 소리가 나는데 원래 그런건지 어떤 음색의 표현인지 조금 거슬린다.

10. 내부 시퀀서 기능이 없고 단순 오버더빙 녹음 기능만 존재함.

11. 펌웨어(1.5) 업데이트 이후 synth 계열 음색이 많아짐.

    -> 업데이트시 USB 메모리 종류마다 안되는게 많음. (구형 USB 메모리 필요)

12. 확실히 다른 하드웨어 악기보다 메인 출력단 힘이 딴딴한 것 같음.

13. 어떤경우는 장시간 미사용하면 전원 스위치가 자동으로 꺼지는데 어떤 경우는 안꺼져서 이유를 찾고 있음.

    -> 에디트 모드 및 컴퓨터 연결 모드 등에서는 자동 전원 꺼짐 동작안함.

14. USB 로 PC 연결시 미디가 아닌 wave 저장은 큐베이스만 가능한 것으로 보임.

15. 펌웨어 버전 v1.51

16. DAW 용으로 사용하기에는 약간 어려운 듯함.

  -> Montage Connect VSTi 공부중임.



Dimensions Width 1,450 mm (57-1/16")
Height 170 mm (6-11/16")
Depth 460 mm (18-1/8")
Weight Weight 29 kg (63 lbs., 15 oz.)

Control Interface

Keyboard Number of Keys 88
Type Balanced Hammer Effect Keyboard
Initial Touch Yes
Aftertouch Yes

Tone generator

Tone Generator Motion Control Synthesis Engine AMW2: 8 Elements FM-X: 8 Operators, 88 Algorithms
Maximum Polyphony AWM2: 128 (max.; stereo/mono waveforms) FM-X: 128 (max.)
Multi Timbral Capacity 16 Parts (internal), Audio Input Parts (A/D*, USB*) *stereo Part
Wave Preset: 5.67 GB (when converted to 16 bit linear format), User: 1.75 GB
Performance Approx. 1,900
Filter 18 types
Effects Reverb x 12 types, Variation x 76 types, Insertion (A, B) x 76 types*, Master Effect x 15 types *A/D part insertion x 71 types (Preset settings for parameters of each effect type are provided as templates) Master EQ (5 bands), 1st part EQ (3 bands), 2nd part EQ (2 bands)


Controllers Master Volume, AD Input Gain knob, Pitch Bend wheel, Modulation wheel, Ribbon Controller, Control Sliders x 8, Knobs x 8, Super Knob, Data dial
Display 7" TFT Color Wide VGA LCD touch screen
Connectors [USB TO DEVICE], [USB TO HOST], MIDI [IN]/[OUT]/[THRU], FOOT CONTROLLER [1]/[2], FOOT SWITCH [ASSIGNABLE]/[SUSTAIN], OUTPUT (BALANCED) [L/MONO]/[R] (6.3 mm, Balanced TRS jacks), ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT (BALANCED) [L]/[R] (6.3 mm, Balanced TRS jacks), [PHONES] (6.3 mm, standard stereo phone jack), A/D INPUT [L/MONO]/[R] (6.3 mm, standard phone jacks)
Power Consumption 27 W
Accessories AC Power cord, Owner’s Manual, Cubase AI Download Information
Live Sets Preset: 128 and more, User: 2,048

Performance Recorder

Tracks 16 Sequence tracks, Tempo track, Scene track
Recording type Real time replace, Real time overdub, Real time punch in/out
Note Capacity Approx. 130,000 notes
Note Resolution 480 ppq (parts per quarter note)
Tempo (BPM) 5 – 300
Songs 64 songs
Arpeggio Parts: 8 Parts simultaneous (max.), Preset: Approx. 10,000 types User: 256 types
Sequence formats MONTAGE original format, SMF formats 0, 1

'악기' 카테고리의 다른 글

Yamaha Montage 음색 추가 - 뵈젠도르퍼 피아노  (0) 2017.10.02
Yamaha Montage - Tap Temp 단축키  (0) 2017.08.28
Mark Bass CMD 121P - 220V 변환  (0) 2016.09.12
Mark Bass 220V 변환  (0) 2016.08.29
MARK BASS - Mini CMD 121P  (0) 2016.08.27

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