7.9.1 이상으로 업데하신 분들은 웹에서 원격제어가 사용가능합니다.


방송실도 이제 재택근무로~~~ 고고!




ProPresenter Control

Connect to ProPresenter Connect





Using ProPresenter Control

ProPresenter Control is a powerful website that can be connected to any instance of ProPresenter (7.9.1 or later) that is on the same local network as the device accessing the site.  For informatio...




벌써 버전이 7.9 이 이거 프프 8 버전이 나오는 건가요..업뎃 버전 속도가 빠르네요.
주요 정리하면

http://control.propresenter.com/ 에 가서 원격 제어

맥 모하비에서는 마지막 업데이트
윈도우 맑은 고딕체 추가

 MAC 7.9.1 (118030598) – Released 2022/05/18

  • ProPresenter Control now released. Access at control.propresenter.com
  • ProPresenter 7.9.1 is the last release that will support macOS 10.14 Mojave.
  • Fixes an issue where Themes with a background color might not transition Slides properly. For example, green-screening lyrics in external software.
  • Fixes an issue where Syncing to a Repository might not properly import media on Themes.
  • Fixes an issue with Screen Color not showing in the Preview window on Launch.
  • Fixes an issue where uncommonly sized images might not display properly.
  • Fixes an issue where Transitions with a delay were triggering instantly.
  • Fixes an issue where duplicating a Slide with Effects doubled the Effects shown in the thumbnail.
  • Fixes an issue with partial opacity not rendering properly for some objects.
  • Fixes an issue where Nashville Number notation missed superscript for some chords.
  • Fixes an issue where previously set master SDI/NDI audio levels weren't respected until Audio Preferences was reopened.
  • Fixes a crash just after Launch, related to the Workspace file.
  • Fixes an issue where Stroke was altered after copy/pasting into Reflow Editor.
  • Fixes an issue with Nashville Numbers not properly showing minor chords.
  • Fixes a crash caused by a Timer action.
  • Fixes an issue with installing the Nova Almeida Atualizada 2017 Bible.
  • Fixes an issue where items added to a Planning Center Playlist disappeared after converting to a regular Playlist.
  • Fixes an issue where a Network Linked computer would lag when newly added slides were triggered.
  • Fixes an issue with Superscript and Subscript not working properly in Editor.
  • Fixes an issue with a slow Launch or unresponsiveness caused by a large number of Libraries and Playlist folders.
  • Fixes an issue where Slides with a Prop wouldn't show text on Stage Screens, or text would flicker.
  • Fixes an issue where imported Keynote presentations would import Media individually, instead of as a single Presentation.
  • Fixes an issue where Group Name on a Stage Screen might not scale properly.
  • Fixes an issue where the scroll bar in the Presentation Editor's Build tab might overlap with some buttons.

Windows 7.9.1 (118030598) – Released 2022/05/18

  • ProPresenter Control now released. Access at control.propresenter.com
  • Adds fallback fonts for various languages. Meiryo for Japanese, Malgun Gothic for Korean, Microsoft JhengHei for Chinese (Traditional), Microsoft YaHei for Chinese (Simplified), Gisha for Hebrew, etc.
  • Fixes an issue where an Alternative Theme (a Theme applied to a specific screen) might not import properly when syncing up or down from a Repository.
  • Fixes an issue where superscript wasn't properly imported with ProPresenter 6 files.
  • Fixes an issue where ProRemote thumbnails wouldn't render for looping announcements.
  • Fixes an issue where Slide Actions were delayed when having a high number of Stage Layouts.
  • Fixes an issue where text in an Alternative Theme (applied to different screen) might not show correctly on Restart.
  • Fixes an issue where Sync Up to Repository wouldn't include a video playing in Preview.
  • Fixes an issue where Macros with Stage Actions would reset when Syncing Down from a Repository.
  • Fixes an issue where Text Indent wouldn't properly affect lists when selecting the entire text box.
  • Fixes an issue in the Media Bin with 'Scale to' not changing between Grid and Table view.
  • Fixes an issue where certain video inputs from a DeckLink Quad HDMI might not be seen.
  • Fixes an issue where RAM usage could increase unexpectedly over time.
  • Fixes an issue where using Inspector to change media alignment/scaling wouldn't persist after restart.
  • Fixes an issue where Transitions with a delay were triggering instantly.
  • Fixes an issue where Planning Center Online might not stay logged in.
  • Fixes an issue with the NRSV Bible not having spaces between verses.
  • Fixes an issue where Nashville Number notation missed superscript for some chords.
  • Fixes an issue where Search wasn't functioning through particular Libraries.
  • Fixes a crash caused by ProPresenter running for long periods of time.
  • Fixes an issue where Network Link wouldn't trigger media in Placeholders.
  • Fixes an issue where Timeline Audio didn't playback when in a Link group.
  • Fixes a delay when triggering a Slide with non-English text. Noticed specifically with Ukrainian text.
  • Fixes an issue where thumbnails would freeze on screen when using drag/drop in Editor.
  • Fixes an issue with Nashville Numbers not properly showing minor chords.
  • Fixes an issue with installing the Nova Almeida Atualizada 2017 Bible.
  • Fixes an issue with importing ProPresenter 6 files into Placeholders.
  • Fixes an issue where m-dashes would disappear when copy/pasted from Microsoft Word.
  • Fixes an issue where a Network Linked computer would lag when newly added slides were triggered.
  • Fixes an issue where Stage Screens cleared when triggerieng embedded Macros that had Stage Screen actions.
  • Fixes an issue with Look and Stage buttons overlapping when the ProPresenter window is at it's smallest size.
  • Fixes an issue where a Playlist might only show the selected Presentation in Contiguous View.
  • Fixes an issue where Planning Center Live Objects might not scale properly on a Stage Screen.
  • Fixes a crash caused by attempting to trigger a deleted Timer.
  • Fixes an issue where Planning Center items wouldn't update if they were renamed on the PCO website.
  • Fixes a crash caused by Bullet lists in Stage Layouts.
  • Fixes an issue with the Tamil font rendering in low quality.
  • Fixes an issue with Arabic text lines being mis-ordered when using Remove Line Returns.
  • Fixes an issue where audio on Focusrite outputs might become distorted if using NDI with alpha channel.



프로프리젠터 환경 설정에 대하여 알아봅시다.

예제는 프로프리젠터 6 윈도우 데모 버전입니다.

윈도우에서는  ctrl+, 버튼입니다. 컨트롤 컴마 입니다. dot(.) 아님.

1. 일반

- 켤때마다 업데이트 체크할 것인가 결정

- 라이브러리 폴더를 추가할 수 있습니다. 다만 라이브러리 폴더를 전체를 통합해서 출력되지는 않고

  해당 설정에 선택된 라이브러리만 메인 라이브러리 화면에 나타납니다.

- 자동으로 미디어 관리는 현재 계정의 비디오 사진등을 탐색경로에 포함시킵니다

2. 디스플레이

- 최상위 윈도우로 출력하는게 여러모로 편합니다

- 스테이지 디스플레이는 가사만 따로 출력이 가능한 기능입니다. 모니터가 총 3개 필요하겠죠.

해당 기능으로 다음에 따로 설명드리겠습니다. 강력한 기능이죠.

- 아래 출력화면 그림을 마우스로 누르고 화면을 좌우로 이동이 가능합니다.

3. 라벨

- 슬라이드 지정용 라벨들을 설정하는 화면 입니다.

- 오른쪽 그룹에 보면 핫키 설정하는 부분이 있는데 잘동작하지는 않는 것같습니다.

아마도 이전에 설명드린 그룹라벨 관련하여서 1절,2절 지정하고 핫키를 설정하면 , 해당 핫키로 1,2,3절이

즉시 이동이 가능할거 같은데 조금더 연구가 필요합니다.

- 선택하고 del 누르면 삭제가 됩니다.

4. 라이브 비디오

- 블랙매직등의 입력 장비가 있으면 슬라이드 화면에 비디오 화면 출력 및 자막 겹치기 출력등이 가능합니다

예전에 블랙매직 PCI 카드 입력으로 사용시 출력 딜레이가 존재하는 것 같은데, 현장에서 사용가능할지는

여러가지 입력 장치와 프로그램이 설치된 컴퓨터 성능에 따라 다를 것으로 보입니다.

노트북 웹캡을 입력으로 해서는 별로 딜레이가 보이지가 않습니다.

- 비디오 출력 핫키는 F7 입니다.

5. 네트워크

- 마스터 컨트롤 : 프로프리젠터로 다른 프로프리젠터 연동이 가능합니다.

- 프로프리젠터 원격 서버 : 이전에 게시물에 아이폰 앱으로 화면을 넘길 수 있다고 한 적이 있는데

그 때 설정할 내용입니다.

참고로, 방송실에는 아무도 없이 본당에서 화면 제어가 가능합니다.

향후 목사님이나 외부강사에게 아이패드를 드리는 것이 좋은 방법이라 생각됩니다.

참고로 올해 방송실 예산으로 아이패드 구입계획(중고 이전모델은 20만원이면 구매가 가능) 이 있어

구매후 활용방안에 대해서 상세한 게시물을 올릴 예정입니다.

나머지 기능은 다음편에 계속하겠습니다.

한번에 다하려니 양이 많네요.

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