야마하 몽타주 펌웨어 2.5가 릴리즈되었습니다.


< V2.00 to V2.50 >

New features;

  • New Performances have been added.      -> Motif XF Bank 512 퍼포먼스 추가
  • The DAW Remote function has been added.   -> USB 연결로 DAW 리모트 조정 기능 추가  (미디 케이블 연결없이 노브로 DAW조정 가능)
  • A new function has been added that allows you to selectively enable (or disable) recording of Arpeggio data, when recording MIDI songs.   -> 녹음시 아르페지오 출력 녹음 여부 설정
  • You can now set a Center note in the Edit Waveform display.
  • You can now set a key for assignment when loading WAV files or AIFF files as waveforms. -> wave 로딩 가능 및 key 설정
  • You can now select the Assignable Knob for Common Parts, by pressing the [PART COMMON] in the dialog displayed when selecting the Part parameter and pressing the [CONTROL ASSIGN] button.
  • The Panel Lock function has been added to prevent inadvertent operations during your performance. -> 에디터 판넬 잠금 기능

Fixed problems;

  • Fixed a problem in which the footswitch would freeze when it's used as a sostenuto in combination with the sustain pedal.
  • Fixed other minor problems.

Jamal's Flash Motif MOXF 라이브러리도 역시 계속 로딩이 안되네요. x6a 포맷인데 아쉽군요.

로딩 계속하다가 마지막에 illgal file 표시나면서 실패합니다.  



'악기' 카테고리의 다른 글

Yamaha Montage v3.51 Update  (0) 2021.12.02
Yamaha Montage Library - CS80  (0) 2018.08.11
Yamaha Montage - v2.0 Update  (0) 2018.03.09
야마하 전자드럼 Yamaha DTX 450k  (0) 2017.11.13
Yamaha Montage - update v1.60  (0) 2017.10.02

야마하 몬티지 펌웨어가 v2.00 으로 업데이트 되었습니다. (2018/2/7)

압축파일은 약 140메가 정도합니다.

사용자 데이터가 지워지니 주의바랍니다.


< V1.60 to V2.00 >

New features;

  • New Performances have been added.      (퍼포먼스 음색 추가)
  • You can now create User Audition Phrases.    (오디션 프레이지 제작 가능)
  • New functions have been added in some displays for simplifying Super Knob settings.  (슈퍼노브 단순화를 위한 기능 추가)
  • Transitioning of displays during edits have been improved. (에디팅 중 화면 전환 개선)
  • You can now set the Live Set slot as a startup display. (최초 화면에 라이브 셋화면 가능)
  • You can now apply the Live Set Font Size to the Category Names in the Category Search display.  (찾기화면 폰트 조정 가능)
  • You can now load MOXF files.  (Moxf 파일 로딩 가능)
  • You can now load Performance data for the MOTIF XS, MOTIF XF, and MOXF. (Moxif 퍼포먼스 데이터 로딩 가능)
  • You can now set to keep the current tempo after switching to a different Performance. (다른 퍼포먼스 변환 후 템포 유지 가능)
  • You can now set to keep the current A/D Part volume after switching to a different Performance. (다른 퍼포먼스 변환 후 A/D 파트 볼륨 유지 가능)
  • The shortcuts for opening the Control Assign display have been added in the Envelope Follower display.
  • You can now select the Super Knob, Motion Sequencer Lane, or Envelope Follower as a source in the dialog that appears when the [CONTROL ASSIGN] button is pressed.
  • New function that emphasize the connected lines in the Overview display to indicate the controller you are operating and its destinations has been added.
  • Increased the number of Songs that can be recorded in the MIDI tab of the Play/Rec display from 64 to 128.
  • The shortcuts for opening the Tempo Settings display have been added in the Play/Rec display.
  • The selected slot will remain active even after you changed to other banks in Live Set display.

Fixed problems;

  • Fixed other minor problems.

[현재 버전 확인 방법]

1. Press the [UTILITY] button to open the Utility display. 
2. Touch [Setting] tab to [System] tab at the left side of the display.  
3. The following message appears in the bottom of the display: 
MONTAGE Firmware Version : *.**.*         (c)2016 Yamaha Corporation 
The unit's version is indicated by " MONTAGE Firmware Version : *.**.* " 
Only the numbers up to the two decimal

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